Saturday, July 25, 2009

First Knitting Project Ever

So I got interested in learning how to knit a few years ago. Got my copy of Stitch N' Bitch. I felt overwhelmed the first time around and gave up.

Today I was sitting outside putting the finishing touches on my newly knitted and sewed wristlet. Or maybe it's a clutch. I'm sitting there perplexed trying to figure out how to put button on the front when I've already got a magnetic clasp in place. I figured I made a huge booboo with my magnetic clasp and button part. I thought, and thought some more. A lightbulb went off in my head and I figured I'd just sew around it. There we go! And it worked.

I was honestly astonished at how easy this project was for myself. The knitting itself was long and troublesome. I just kept knitting until the size seemed right. No counting of anything. No measuring of anything. I just eyeballed it.

I had very simple sewing skills already in place. I only know how to do one stitch. I'm sure it's the same one everyone starts out with. My mom sews so I must have picked up something from her.

I admit to hand sewing in the past. One time I made a set of fuzzy cheetah dice as a gift for a friend. I then made a pair of black fuzzy dice for myself, minus the dots. So fuzzy squares. My last set of car adornments was a moon and star. I drew a pattern, cut out the parts and sewed them together. I still have those, although I don't have them in my car today.

A little sewing skills can go a long way. I'm happy with how this came out. Now I think I want to do an easy project like making a scarf!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

First post!

What's up people? This is my first time blogging. So not much happening here yet. This will be a settled space for my Etsy shop and other things. We'll see what happens in the future.

Check out my Etsy shop.

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